Sep 4, 2018
In Show #140 - Chris is joined by some great friends from EDCOT!! Kati Swanson, Jen Baughman, Amy VanSwol, and Ric Forbes play the 3 Words Show! None of the guests were told about the show topic until the recording was taking place, but then BAM...Disney Parks Characters!! Were their answers great? Did they stumble? Thank You for downloading and listening to Show #140 of The Dub Dee Dub Revue. We hope you enjoy the show!
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Lastly, Thank You to our sponsors for making this show happen. (The Theme Park Brothers YouTube Channel, MagicalMaraDesigns, and & We appreciate your always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with us. We know that you have lots of options for Disney-based podcasts, but for including us...Thank You.